Minders Summer Camp
Minders Academic Summer Program for students in PreK-8, blends adventure and academic enrichment to offer students a unique summer experience where fun and educational opportunities abound.
Our program is designed to nurture student’s academic and social skills. Our students engage in courses and activities that challenges their mind and fosters learning in Effective Writing, Math, Language Arts and Science. All summer long, the program provides students with an individualized academic development, at a pace tailored to each student’s specific needs.
Our style of learning is nurturing and student centered to encourage learning through enquiry based approach, recognition and application of student’s talents for enhanced academic success. Our weekly themes activities engage students to develop leadership capability and a team spirit that enhances students’ integration and success in life.
We encourage you to register for two or more weeks to equip your child for the next grade level and prevent brain drain that children experience during the summer.